Saturday, July 14, 2007

Blog comments:

We're better at reading and enjoying everyone's blog, than blogging ourselves. We've tried to make comments on your blogs but our computer starts to load for a comment but never finishes it. It's got to be the computer ?? If any of our kids would visit us, we could get personal tutoring (Angela and Nate exclused). We offer a great bed and breakfast-lunch-dinner deal. We're going to try to put a picture on this. Hold on! SORRY DID'NT WORK !

Called to Serve

We can't believe our baby is leaving on his mission! We are so blessed to have a whole family full of righteous people! Sean will be leaving for his Brazil mission on August 7.

Friday, July 6, 2007

It takes time to create!

Thank you so much for helping us with this new experience. This is going to be fun. It will encourage me to be better on the computer.(I won't have to do much to do better) Be patient with us, it takes time to create. Now for words of wisdom- We are preparing to teach the plan of salvation . In a talk given by President Boyd K. Packer ,talking about our second estate he said "If you expect to find only ease and peace and bliss during act 2, you surely will be frustrated. You will understand little of what is going on and why things are permitted to be as they are.Until you have a broad perspective of the eternal nature of this great drama, you won't make much sense out of inequities in life. Some are born with so little and others with so much. Some are born in poverty,with handicaps,with pain, with suffering. Some experience premature death,even innocent children.( here comes the best part) DO NOT SUPPOSE THAT GOD WILLFULLY CAUSES THAT WHICH, FOR HIS OWN PURPOSES,HE PERMITS.When you know the plan and purpose of it all,even these things will manifest a loving Father in Heaven" I know this is true!!! I love you,Mom

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Can't wait to read your posts!

Hi Mom & Dad-
I am so grateful we have this avenue to keep in touch...

I think you should consider posting a "Words of Wisdom" section as well.... things you study or learn for Seminary and can share to all of our benefit.

Mom mentioned HS pictures and and your wedding picture! I love that idea. You need to take the pictures over to Nate and have him scan them in and he can email them to me and I will put them on your blog (or even give you a step by step on how to).

Anyhow, think up anything you want to put on here and we CAN do it! Yah.

I love you.